Chiropractic Care in Hudson MI

Are you in need of a good chiropractor in Hudson MI? Instead of choosing just any chiropractor, find out what it means to have chiropractic care that's tailored to you as an individual.
Personalized Chiropractic Care and Adjustments in Hudson MI
Manual adjustments are the traditional hands-on approach to patient care. This is the primary method that Dr. Borck utilizes in the office.
Would you prefer a low-force technique? Activator or instrument adjustments are performed utilizing a small hand-held device that delivers relaxing pulsations to the area being adjusted.
Do you have a certain area of your back that needs adjusting on a regular basis? Let Dr. Borck target your specific areas of need by using the Thompson Technique, which utilizes sections within the adjustment table to adjust your back.
Neuromuscular Re-Education
Does your body feel imbalanced? There could be muscle groups in your body that are being under-utilized. At Borck Family Chiropractic, you'll work with a professional chiropractic team to re-train your muscles through neuromuscular therapy. We accept most insurance providers!
Neuromuscular re-education addresses the muscular imbalances throughout the body that may be limiting the body's natural ability to heal. Your muscle re-education sessions may include the releasing and stretching of tight muscles or activating and developing muscles that are being under-utilized.
Muscular adjustments provided for:
- Arms
- Legs
- Feet
- Hands and more
Call Borck Family Chiropractic in Hudson MI at (517) 448-2277 today or contact us online to schedule your appointment.
7:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Borck Family Chiropractic
227 W Main St
Hudson, MI 49247